All services are provided by Geoff Duggan RN, Clinical Operations Consultant at Clinical Design Solutions. Geoff holds Undergraduate and Post Graduate Qualifications in Nursing, Continence, Ostomy and Wound Management and Palliative Care, and has completed an MBA through Curtin University with a major in Leadership. Geoff’s clinical experience includes HIV, Respiratory, Neurosurgery, Oncology, Palliative Care, Mental Health and Homeless Healthcare as well as Nurse Management and Clinical Consultancy. More recently Geoff has worked in the Wound Care Industry over a 15-year period across Community, Hospital & Pharmacy. In this context he has had extensive experience delivering wound management education and the design of service solutions to drive operational and clinical efficiencies. With over 30 years combined clinical and Wound Care industry experience, Geoff brings a wealth of experience and unique insights into health service management and the development of sustainable clinical operational and procurement solutions.
Clinical Design Solutions provides specialty analysis and operational advice to support skin, wound and continence care in hospital and community settings. Services include product utilisation analysis as well as the development of clinical governance frameworks based on best-available-evidence. Solutions are designed to minimise the economic impacts of care, while enhancing clinical and operational outcomes. Clinical Design Solutions works with distributors and manufacturers of wound care and continence products to provide customers with an organisational solution designed to add value to the patient experience.